Just now, it’s 6:15 am, and I’m praying my first-grader stays asleep just a little bit longer so I can get some more work done. Our three kittens are snoring away under my desk. It’s a beautiful quiet here today in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.
I’m a writer and editor. I love to read narratives – stories that tell us more about other people and ourselves. My favorite genres are magical realism, mysteries, and essays, but I read widely and as much as I can.
I used to say I wrote most creative nonfiction – and that’s still where my heart and words most feel at peace – but I’ve also written two YA novels and a few books about the writing life, too. Plus, I’m now writing cozy mysteries under a pen name (which is not at all secret, obviously) ACF Bookens. I publish my mysteries, romances, and YA fantasy with Vinci Press. I also co-authored Plantation Jesus, a book about racism in the Christian church with Skot Welch and Rick Wilson that was published by the wonderful Herald Press.
Additionally, I edit manuscripts for other writers and provide coaching for folks who’d like a little accountability and support in their writing journey, and my dear friend Caroline Topperman and I are the owners of Mountain Ash Press, where we help writers bring their books into the world. I hold an MFA in Creative Writing and an MA in Literature, and I’ve taught at several colleges and universities all around the country including George Mason University, Cecil College, Stevenson University, Santa Clara University, and Solano College.
During my free moments, I cross-stitch, walk, enjoy time out with friends in Charlottesville or Richmond, and garden. I have a Facebook page where I post lots of pictures of libraries and try to share other writing links, and you can chat with me on Instagram, too, if you’d like.
That’s me. So if you have more personal questions, think carefully about whether you want to know the answers, and if you still do, write me at andi@andilit.com.
Thanks for reading.
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